The Tio Manoel Vieira Care Centre

The care center provides these kids with a hot meal and an opportunity to participate in social and cultural activities, such as dance, music, and art. There is also help for them to stay in school through tutors, known as “Tia's,” and “Tio's” (“Aunt's” and “Uncles”). Recently, the area of Paulista, Pernambuco suffered a torrential rainfall that damaged buildings and streets. As a result of the torrential rainfall, the roof of Creche Tio Manoel Vieira was damaged and in turn, collapsed.

The Creche needs help to pay for a new roof, which would only cost $3000. Here in Vancouver, BC, Canada, we are hoping to raise enough money to help them build a roof so these children can return to the care center after it has been safely repaired. If you are interested in helping this cause, donations are greatly appreciated through our online method of donations (paypal), or as well as in person.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a one time solicitation (UP TO AUGUST 31st, ONLY). All information about the donations and delivery of funds will be made public online (let us know if you prefer to remain anonymous). NO RECEIPTS FOR INCOME TAX PURPOSES will be provided.